Services Cloud BPO

Externalisation du centre de contact

Global Leader Selects inContact to Help Grow Business

May 29, 2015 In the expanding world of cloud computing, it’s understandable that the leaders would know each other. It’s a small world so far, and they’re all growing together. That’s why it makes sense that a global leader of cloud business software announced that it has selected inContact’s cloud contact center platform for its […]

Global Leader Selects inContact to Help Grow Business En savoir plus "

There’s a Fine Line Between Too Much, Too Little Call Center help

May 27, 2015 Despite your best efforts at making your customer contact center the best it can be, if your customer agents aren’t as up to speed as your technology is, you may be on the path to failure. That’s the gist of thought from a recent blog post by Chris Lawson, a regular contributor

There’s a Fine Line Between Too Much, Too Little Call Center help En savoir plus "

School on the Line? They Might Be Calling From the Cloud

May 21, 2015 Anyone who’s attended or graduated from a two- or four-year college knows the drill by now: Once you’re done, you’ll be getting calls on a regular basis, asking for a donation. It’s not the worst call to get, especially if you look back on your learning years with a certain fondness. When

School on the Line? They Might Be Calling From the Cloud En savoir plus "

Customers Set to Gain from Software Update

May 21, 2015 inContact, the cloud contact center software leader that helps organizations around the globe create customer and contact center employee experiences, has just announced its first 2015 release of new cloud software. According to the company, this release was driven by customer needs within enterprise service operations, along with the increasing importance of

Customers Set to Gain from Software Update En savoir plus "

Unifier les interactions avec les clients, un objectif réalisable

May 12, 2015 In a move that will be seen as both a solution to customers and a challenge to managers, contact centers will – sooner rather than later – be transitioning over in a big way to ‘advanced analytics.’ While it may sound scary at first, it’s a move that makes sense based on

Unifier les interactions avec les clients, un objectif réalisable En savoir plus "

La « confiance » s'étend également aux personnes de votre centre d'appels

May 07, 2015 We’ve all been there: You call up a company with a question or basic process-inquiry. You get the recording, make your choice, yell “Representative!” and wait for a real person to come on the line. They then transfer you to someone else (AFTER you’ve given them all your info), only to repeat

La « confiance » s'étend également aux personnes de votre centre d'appels En savoir plus "

Jeu de chiffres : une enquête indique que de meilleurs rapports sur les centres d'appels sont nécessaires

Numbers Game: Survey Says Better Call Center Reporting Needed May 05, 2015 It’s easy to say that more reporting capability in the contact center is a necessity, but in an era of tight budgets and major issues, proving it is another matter. Or at least, it was another matter until a new report from DMG

Jeu de chiffres : une enquête indique que de meilleurs rapports sur les centres d'appels sont nécessaires En savoir plus "

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