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[Newsletter] Even Execs Who Mandate RTO Admit It Doesn’t Improve Productivity​

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Our Favorite Articles 💯

🔍 ​Use These New Tools to Find Better Job Prospects on LinkedIn​ (LH) ~ Anything that makes job hunting easier is welcome.

🙄 ​Even Execs Who Mandate a Return to Office Admit That It Doesn’t Improve Productivity​ (Fortune) ~ “This is a watershed moment of innovation of how work gets done, but we’re still talking about the f–king watercooler.”

📖 ​Introduction to Better Code Practices ​(Mint) ~ Let me know if this improves your coding.

​The Biggest Change Coming to Remote Work and RTO in 2024​ (CNBC) ~ More companies will commit to a flexible work policy.

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Remotive Jobs 💼

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👉 ​Senior MS Power BI Developer​ at Proxify (CET +/- 3 Hours)

👉 ​JavaScript Developer​ at Akasha (EMEA)

👉 ​Scrum Master​ at Akasha (EMEA)

👉 ​Fullstack Web Developer (French Speaking)​ at Smartloc (Europe)

Check out ​our job board​, listing 1,500+ remote jobs.Unlock MORE remote jobs: Browse 5x more remote jobs by joining ​Remotive Accelerator​.Need advice to apply? Join our webinar ​“3 Mistakes to Avoid When Looking For A Remote Startup Job (And What To Do Instead)”​.

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