Go on Remotive.com. Find an interesting company that’s hiring right now. (I’ll wait here.)
Now say “Hi, I’d love to learn more about XYZ. Do you have a minute?” to someone who works there.
Do this over and over again until you find a job.
💼 Finding a Remote Job After You Got Laid-Off (Remotive) ~ Good info for anyone looking for remote work.
✨ 4 Secondary But Highly Impactful Benefits Of Remote Work (福布斯) ~ These benefits are highly underrated if you ask me.
🤮 How to Tell If a Prospective Workplace Is Toxic (HBR) ~ This is so important. Remote does not necessarily mean a healthy work environment.
📊 Workers Say This Much WFH Time Would Bolster Their Well-Being (公司) ~ Everyone has a different sweet spot. Remote work is not one size fits all.
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