Cloud BPO Services

Sales & Lead Generation

Drive More Revenue With Digital Marketing Services.

In coordination with your sales objectives, CloudBPOServices has the expertise to design, build and manage customer acquisition and sales solutions that enable you to meet and exceed your revenue goals. We manage these sales associates in both inbound and outbound environments.

No business can survive without a regular flow of new sales leads and customers. However, the constriction of marketing budgets has made the cost of obtaining each lead a vital issue. Even more important is the value each sale brings to the company. A well-managed sales force can be a powerful and efficient tool for customer acquisition. A sample of our program offerings includes:Inbound and outbound sales

Our solutions capitalize on each contact, allowing us to analyse your customer database, assess operations and parameters, as well as provide more accurate targeting for future sales campaigns. By tracking customer value over time against the cost of acquisition, we help you improve the quality of your sales processes while reducing the total cost of acquisition.

Leads Generated
Client Satifcations Rate

Our Agents

Our agents represent over 40 countries and territories that offer the best in breed and best in class quality and service delivery professionals the industry has to offer.


Our Clients

Our clients rely on us to deliver a variety of Outbound Telemarketing services for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) projects. Our highly motivated team of experienced sales professionals participates in extensive training which provides clearly defined objectives and product knowledge resulting in a comprehensive understanding of the sales targets and the products or services offered. Each telemarketing campaign is complimented by a Project Manager to oversee and drive results from the sales team. Our B2B and B2C Outbound Telemarketing solutions give you the means to increase sales revenue, excel at customer care and maximize the profit potential for your existing or expanding marketplace. As an extension of your business akin to a transparent sales force, we combine expert B2B and B2C sales experience with superior operational processes, reliable technology and proven results.

Group of mixed business people having a meeting using a white board

Let us build the bridge between your brand and customer
