云 BPO 服务



Hello all, I’m looking to write a CCX script that can route calls based on the calling number. E.g. If Calling number 3034117911 call to the CCX trigger the script check the Calling number and route that call to a certain Resource Group or Agent every time, if the agent is not available queue it

UCCX ANI Lookup 阅读更多 ”

Make REST Call – Get

Hey.   Im trying to figur out have to format my output from a REST (json) get i UCCX11.   the REST call works fine – im getting the output in response:     U”{ “requrestSessionId”: “1324fde-3453ed-3423789”, “requestTimestamp”: “2015-11-23 01:01:01”, “requestIscompleted”: true, “requestIsMissingData”; false }”   Have do i put the data in variable i

Make REST Call – Get 阅读更多 ”
