Servicios BPO en la nube

Subcontratación del centro de contacto

Las redes sociales desempeñan un papel más importante, incluso en situaciones de subcontratación

July 02, 2015 Social media has become so ingrained in American society that the outsider these days is someone who doesn’t participate in this new way of communicating. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook (News – Alert), Instagram or any of the other myriad choices available, it seems as if everyone uses something ‘socially.’ This is a point […]

Las redes sociales desempeñan un papel más importante, incluso en situaciones de subcontratación Leer más »

Administre a su personal, administre las expectativas

June 30, 2015 With contact centers everywhere looking for every edge they can get, it’s no surprise that workforce management software is undergoing closer scrutiny. And according to a recent blog post, the software is coming into its own, and with good reason. “The application of a Workforce Management (WFM) program within a call center

Administre a su personal, administre las expectativas Leer más »

InContact se suma al arsenal de los clientes

June 25, 2015 Sometimes, you can get enough of a good thing; and you’ll want more. That’s what a new client of inContact, a leading provider of cloud contact center software and contact center agent optimization tools, discovered recently after making the switch over to inContact. According to the company, the global BPO customer – which, according

InContact se suma al arsenal de los clientes Leer más »

La Semana del Call Center presentó una nueva asociación

June 23, 2015 InContact was at Call Center Week recently, talking about its new partnership with artificial intelligence-based IVR company SmartAction, and how the social channel is starting to make more inroads into the contact center space. TMCnet spoke at the Las Vegas event with Jennifer Waite, product marketing manager at inContact, which sells a

La Semana del Call Center presentó una nueva asociación Leer más »

¿Subcontratar su centro de llamadas? Prepare a su gente adecuadamente

June 16, 2015 There’s no doubt that working in a call center is a stressful occupation, but a new study shows that a lot of that pain might be self-inflicted. According to research from Mattersight Corp. – a company that utilizes a suite of innovative, personality-based software applications to analyze and predict customer behavior based

¿Subcontratar su centro de llamadas? Prepare a su gente adecuadamente Leer más »

'Mantener al cliente satisfecho' comienza con la dotación de personal

June 11, 2015 Every contact center has them: high achievers who are perfectly aligned with their work and show it in their performance. These people understand customers, empathize with them, know where to find answers and always keep their cool, even with testy customers. In many cases, they solve problems that managers don’t even know

'Mantener al cliente satisfecho' comienza con la dotación de personal Leer más »

El líder del centro de llamadas logra otra victoria

June 10, 2015 Cloud contact center software leader inContact has added another feather to its cap with word of a contract award by a major metropolitan city that has selected inContact for its call center needs. According to both parties, inContact’s flexible and scalable cloud platform will help the local government meet the demands of

El líder del centro de llamadas logra otra victoria Leer más »

inContact sienta las bases para la conferencia anual

June 03, 2015 Cloud call center leader inContact has announced that nominations are now open for the company’s annual “MoJo Awards” for those in the industry that have gone above and beyond the call. The winners will be named at the annual inContact User Conference (ICUC) this September in Salt Lake City. “The inContact philosophy

inContact sienta las bases para la conferencia anual Leer más »

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