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Subcontratación del centro de contacto

Incluso el personal subcontratado del centro de llamadas conoce bien su negocio

07 de agosto de 2015 Si observamos a la empresa de consumo promedio actual, ¿quién la conoce mejor? Hay muchas posibilidades de que sean las personas que trabajan en el centro de contacto. Después de todo, ellos son los trabajadores en primera línea. Pasan sus días hablando con los clientes, escuchando quejas, suavizando obstáculos, resolviendo […]

Incluso el personal subcontratado del centro de llamadas conoce bien su negocio Leer más »

Informe: La subcontratación de call center crece en América Latina

Report: Call Center Outsourcing Growing in Latin America August 03, 2015 A new report points to Central America and the Caribbean as places that are seeing massive growth in the call center outsourcing market. This is especially true when talking about companies that are servicing foreign clients, rather than domestic markets. Frost & Sullivan (News –

Informe: La subcontratación de call center crece en América Latina Leer más »

Desglosando el call center en la suma de sus partes

July 31, 2015 A recent notable blog post highlights the various tools available for successful companies in the contact center services industry. Whether they choose to handle inbound phone and video support or just complete outbound marketing agendas, there is something for every business that wants to optimize their operations. The blog post comes courtesy

Desglosando el call center en la suma de sus partes Leer más »

Si se gestiona adecuadamente, la subcontratación puede significar nuevas ganancias entrantes

July 29, 2015 A contact center, which has also been referred to as a customer interaction center, is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts can be managed. The contact center typically includes one or more online call centers; however they may also include other types of customer contact. Additional methods of contact

Si se gestiona adecuadamente, la subcontratación puede significar nuevas ganancias entrantes Leer más »

La subcontratación entre los temas que se abordarán en la conferencia ICUC

July 24, 2015 Running a busy contact center is a time-consuming task. It’s easy to get bogged down in the problems, both big and small, which plague nearly every contact center. It’s important, however, to occasionally look outside the organization for solutions that can help solve these problems and improve the customer experience. These outside

La subcontratación entre los temas que se abordarán en la conferencia ICUC Leer más »

Un estudio dice que los centros de contacto asumirán funciones más importantes

July 23, 2015 To no one’s surprise, a recent study found that contact centers are playing a growing role in business strategy. But more importantly, it was also uncovered that “CIOs will have to work more closely with business partners to integrate a proliferation of customer engagement channels and disparate IT systems.” That’s the word

Un estudio dice que los centros de contacto asumirán funciones más importantes Leer más »

Esto no es un juego: gestiona tu centro de llamadas como un equipo deportivo

This Ain’t No Game: Run Your Call Center Like a Sports Team July 17, 2015 If you think about it, it’s not much of a stretch to compare major league sports with a big-time contact center. Both need to be constantly thinking, be “fast on their feet,” adaptable to change and always looking for the

Esto no es un juego: gestiona tu centro de llamadas como un equipo deportivo Leer más »

Margen de mejora en los centros de llamadas federales: hallazgo

July 08, 2015 There’s an old joke that says one of the three biggest lies in America is “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” While that may be true in some instances, new research shows that the government’s efforts at improving its contact centers is actually bearing some fruit. That’s the

Margen de mejora en los centros de llamadas federales: hallazgo Leer más »

es_MXEspañol de México